9 Best Lead Magnets To Sell Or Give Away In 2023

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is a complete solution to a narrow problem. Typically a lower cost or free offer to see who is interested in what your business has to offer. And assuming that the lead magnet solves this narrow problem, it also reveals another problem that is solved by your main product/offer/service.

This is best explained through an example:

Imagine a fitness coach offering a ’30-Day Home Workout Challenge’ as a lead magnet. This challenge includes a detailed workout plan, video demonstrations of exercises, and a nutrition guide. When individuals sign up and participate in the challenge, they receive a structured fitness routine they can follow from the comfort of their homes. The challenge addresses the specific goal of staying fit and active. As participants engage in the challenge, they also reveal a broader desire for a healthier lifestyle and improved fitness levels, which the fitness coach can provide through their personalised coaching services.

In this instance, the challenge is so effective and valuable that it could be sold as a standalone product, but by offering it as a lead magnet, the fitness coach attracts potential clients who may later invest in their coaching programs.

Why use a lead magnet?

The business that provides the most value in the marketplace will win. If you can solve a prospect’s problem for free or at little cost to them, you can quickly rise to the top of this value chain. If you can provide lead magnets that are genuinely engaging, valuable, and friendly on the prospects’ time, it serves as one of the best ways to get more people inside of your business’ ecosystem and ultimately, more sales of your primary mid-high ticket products or services.

9 Digital Lead Magnets You Can Try (With Examples)

  1. Ebook: Offer an in-depth ebook on a topic relevant to your target audience. For example, “The Beginner’s Guide to Digital Photography Techniques” for a photography website.
  2. Checklist or Cheat Sheet: Provide a checklist or cheat sheet that simplifies a complex process. For example, “The Ultimate Content Creation Checklist” for content marketers.
  3. Video Course: Create a series of video lessons that teach a valuable skill. For example, “Mastering Excel Formulas: A 7-Day Crash Course” for professionals seeking to improve their spreadsheet skills.
  4. Template Pack: Compile a set of templates that can be used immediately, such as “Social Media Post Templates for Effective Engagement” for social media marketers.
  5. Webinar or Live Training: Host a live online session on a trending topic within your niche. For example, “Unlocking SEO Secrets: Live Webinar on Boosting Website Visibility” for a digital marketing audience.
  6. Whitepaper or Research Report: Offer an in-depth analysis or research findings on a relevant industry topic. For example, “State of E-commerce: Trends and Insights for 2023” for those in e-commerce.
  7. Swipe File: Share a collection of successful email subject lines, headlines, ad copy, or social media posts. For example, “Irresistible Email Subject Lines: Swipe File for Higher Open Rates” for email marketers.
  8. Case Study: Present a real-life case study demonstrating how your product or service helped a client overcome a specific challenge. For example, “Case Study: How Company X Increased Conversions by 50% with Our SEO Strategy.”
  9. Mini Course or Email Series: Offer a short series of email lessons (newsletter) on a particular topic. For example, “5 Days to Better Time Management” for professionals seeking to improve their productivity.

Challenges With Lead Magnets (And How To Overcome Them)

You now know that lead magnets are powerful tools for capturing valuable contact information and building relationships with potential customers.

However, like any marketing strategy, they come with their own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges associated with lead magnets and effective ways to overcome them:

Value: One of the primary challenges is creating a lead magnet that is truly relevant and valuable to your target audience. If your lead magnet doesn’t address a specific pain point or desire, it will fail.

Solution: Really understand your audience’s needs and preferences. Develop lead magnets that directly address their challenges, questions, or aspirations. Tailor your content to provide actionable insights or solutions that they can apply immediately.

Quality and Trust: Poorly executed lead magnets can harm your brand’s reputation. If the content provided doesn’t meet expectations, it can erode trust and credibility. You don’t have unlimited opportunities to impress your ideal customers. So make sure that your lead magnet is as valuable as your paid content.

Solution: Take time to develop a high-quality product/service. Deliver on the promises you make in your promotional materials. Include testimonials, user reviews, or endorsements to build trust and show that your lead magnet delivers real value.

Overwhelm: In some cases, offering too much information can overwhelm recipients, leading them to postpone engaging with your content. A lead magnet needs to be able to solve the narrow problem in a reasonable amount of time, and not flood the prospect with too much information.

Solution: Strike a balance between providing valuable insights and overwhelming your audience. Break down complex topics into digestible sections.

Follow-up Strategy: Collecting email addresses is just the first step. Without a solid follow-up strategy, leads may lose interest or forget about your brand.

Solution: Design a well-thought-out email nurturing sequence to maintain engagement. Send targeted content that builds on the lead magnet’s topic, establishes your expertise, and guides recipients towards making a purchasing decision.


Lead magnets are not just a buzzword; they’re a strategic approach that can drive tangible results for your business. By now, you’ve gained a clear understanding of what a lead magnet is and how it can effectively attract and engage potential customers. A lead magnet offers a complete solution to a specific problem, while also revealing a broader challenge that your main product or service can address.

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